
The Path to Success
Are your discipline strategies not working for your little one? Providing support and training to parents and caregivers is often the solution to improved behaviors at home. Whether your child is two or twelve, it may be time for some alternative techniques to get your family back to enjoying time together. Contact me and learn more about how I can help you turn around tantrums.
Optimizing Educational Programs
Student success often depends on a school's ability to implement evidence-based interventions. Sometimes districts and SELPA's need outside help to build capacity. A wide range of consulting services are available to meet the unique needs of each district. Services may also include program development, classroom set-up, curriculum development, direct training, as well as development of behavior programs.

Professional Support
IEP (Individualized Education Program) meetings can be intimidating. Sometimes just having someone there with experience can be helpful. Whether I am demystifying the lingo, asking the hard questions or advocating for your child, you'll feel supported. My services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client. Working collaboratively with school staff throughout the IEP process often promotes student success. Having facilitated hundreds of IEP's as a district employee, I am uniquely equipped to support you.